It’s Fruit Time

May 9, 2008 at 7:43 pm (Quick Tips, Thoughts, Winemaking) (, , , , )

Stupid title… sorry. However, it is the time of year where I start visiting my local fruit stands. We have a place around Philadelphia called Produce Junction. I have no idea if they are a chain or just local. In this place, you get in line, tell them what you want and they toss the fruit on the counter. Everything is prepackaged. If the fruit is in season, it’s good stuff and it’s cheap. I purchased my black plums there a couple years ago, I think I paid $2 for three pounds. Since each three-pound back is good for a gallon, it was easy to get what I needed for a batch of wine. I probably bought seven bags to have a little extra, then pitted them and threw them in the freezer.

The down-side to this place is the seasonality of the fruit. There were a few short weeks when the plums were really good and really cheap. A few weeks later they weren’t even available. The trick is to be a regular, I often walk out empty handed.

I want to make my plum wine again, it is just magnificent. Check out the recipe and watch your local fruit stands.


  1. naturehills said,

    Local fruit and veggie stands are the best places to shop, fresh and juicy and flavorful.

  2. ClutchDude said,

    Around here, Blueberries are just ripening. I’m heading to country next weekend and picking as much as I can.

    I’ve been waiting and waiting to make it since coming across this site!

    I also grabbed mulberries off my girlfriend’s tree. I got about 4 pounds, so I’m wondering if blending into a batch of blueberries would be a good idea or perhaps just a small gallon batch of them….hmmm…..

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